This is a picture of Nida. It shows her shown as normal and quite a happy character. Nida is playing the role of the main character in this movie trailer.
This is another shot of Nida. However, in this shot it shows Nida as feeling upset and self consious. You can tell from the photo that somethjhing has happened by her posture in the photo.
This is another shot of Nida. I think this shot is very effective because you can tell alot from this photo. Nida is looking down towards the ground as if she is trying to hhide from everyone around her. She is grabbing her hair as if she is scared or worried about something, or as if she is in danger.
This is a photo shot of My bedroom mirrors. The reason i have taken this shot is because throughout the trailer, Nida is going to feel frustrated and is going to be looking in these mirrors quite often.
This is a shot of my bed. Throughout this movie trailer, most of the filiming is going to be done in my house. So my room is going to be Nidas room in this movie trailer.
This is a shot of my window in my bredroom. Its a strange photo but the reason i have taken a picture of this is because, there might be a few shots with Nida looking out her window as if she is trying to get attention for help or because she feels issolated in her room.
This is a photo of my main living room. I have taken this shot because, there is going to be a few scenes with all the family in this trailer together acting as if they are "one happy family".
This is a photo of my bar. I have taken this photo because there is going to be a few shots of the step-dad drinking alcohol as a sign of depression.
This a photo shot of a few bottles of alcohol. This is effective as it shows that the step-dad is over drinking and is not setting the correct example for his step-daughter.
This is a shot of the dining table. I have taken a picture of this because all the eating is going to be on this table, even some of the alcohol drinking is going to be shot on this table.
This is a picture of the rest of the kitchen. I have taken this shot becayse some of the violence/action is going to be shot in this kitchen.