Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Progress Report
As individuals of final act we all have contributed to assure that most of the filming is done by meeting up eachother at lunch times or after school to edit, and individually we have come in as a partner to get upload our scenes and edit them.
This and last week we have shot some more scenes as a group and assuring that we get all our filming done, last week shna and lalit came in after school to edit, and this week jason and nida came in to upload the scenes and edit. We all contributed this week either in filming and editing and we have put much more effort into it.
Action plan
This week we are trieng to get all of the filming done for our trailer so that for next week the only thing we have to do is editing the scenes to get our trailer done and get the work in on time.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Progress Report

Last week i think i worked well and contributed a lot towards our movie trailer. i had the camera at home so i shot a few shots that i could wthout the group. also last week, i came in at lunchtimes once by myself and started editing for our movie trailer, lallit also helped me with this.

Last week, as a group i think we worked fairly well, however could have done a lot better. me and lallit contributed more then nida and shna, in that we have done all the editing for our movie trailer so far.

Action Plan-
This week, we as a group, have to try and get all of the camera work done for our movie trailer and start focusing more on the editing.

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

Examples of title fonts - Lalit

Final Act
The reason that this type of font interested me was because of the urban form of the font. Also the font consists of confusion which can be implicated to our production genre theme.
Final Act
This type of font displays the isolation form of the font and a lost effect to the form.
Final Act
This type of font has a distorted effect to the theme.
Final Act
This type of font has a modern form to the font and is reflecting on the high British standards of film productions.
Final Act
This type of font uses the urban British theme running throughout each letters.
Final Act
This type of font displays the protagonist mind-set throughout the film production.
Final Act
This type of font has the ancient effect running throughout the lettering giving the font importance and depth.
Final Act
This type of font has the brush effect that gives the artistic form to the font and extra value because of the natural effect captured by the artist.

typography - Nida Shah

Fish Tank - By Nida Shah

This is basically our inspiration for our trailer as it has simliar scenarios like us. We will use some of the scenes within this trailer for our trailer. Certain domesticated scenes , and other scnees where the main character is sick and tired of the domestic violence within a household. Thered of the continous abuse she recieces

action plan - Nida Shah

This week
  • start filming certain scenes eg - mother giving jewellary box to daughter
  • Getting quotes and statistics for parts of the trailer
  • Put music at the background of the scenes
We worked well as a team this week however were abit slow at filming and shoting

Thursday, 10 February 2011

Film Trailer Poster Mock Up


What happens in the scene
·         Thursday
·         Period 5&6
·         School
·         Nida (the abused child)
·         She escapes from her dad
·         (high angle shot drama music)
·         Friday
·         After School
·         Jason house
·         Living room
·         Chris (step dad) and Nida

·         Chris gets angry at Nida about a simple thing
·         (low key lighting fast pace music)
·         Sunday
·         In the afternoon
·         (Based on the weather)
·         Ravenor Park
·         Chris and Nida’s Mum

·         having a walk in the park
·         (romantic scene)
·         With high key lighting non-digetic sound
·         (slow romantic music)
·         Monday
·         After School
·         Jason house
·         Ballerina dance box
·         The ballerina box is playing (digetic sound high angle shot)

What happens in the scene?
·         Tuesday
·         After school
·         Jason house
·         Living room
·         Nida and her Mother
·         Nida asks her mother where her real dad is gone (close up shot, shot reverse shot)

·         Wednesday
·         Jason house
·         Bed room
·         Nida
·         Nida is looking at a family picture while she is crying (point of view shot)
·         Thursday
·         Period 5&6
·         School
·         (lunch time)
·         Nida and her friends
·         Nida’s friends ask her what is wrong because she is upset
·         Thursday
·         Period 5&6
·         School toilets
·         Nida
·         she runs out of lesson because she is devastated

What happens in the scene?
·         Friday
·         After school
·         Jason house
·         Chris (step dad) and mother
·         they are drinking together getting drunk (medium shot, digetic sound of them laughing)
·         Sunday

·         Jason house
·         Mother, Chris (step dad) and Nida
·         the mother feel’s sick they all are worried (low angle shot of the mother and Nida and high angle shot of Chris with low key lighting drama music)
·         Monday
·         After school
·         GP
·         Mother and the Doctor
·         The mother goes to the Doctor to check what is wrong with her ( low angle shot of mother low key lighting slow music)
·         Wednesday
·         After school
·         Jason house
·         Mother, Chris (step dad)  and Nida
·         The mother announces to Chris and Nida that she is ill and that she will end up dying of it
·         (close up shots low key lighting emotional scene)

The Final Act
Times New Roman font is suitable to use for our trailer as it is a serif font which means each letter has pointy corners which connotes realism but also being serious. This can be related to our trailer as child abuse is a serious issue that goes on in real life, as it is a British trailer it uses realistic facts and the movie is more realistic therefore this font can connote that.
The Final Act
Bradley Hand ITC is also suitable to use for our trailer as it reflects the trailers theme which is child abuse, therefore as a person that is being abused has mixed emotions in them which this font can relate to. This font can also relate to that how the teenager life is which is all over place is confused and does not know what to do and is struggling their way out.
The final act
Broadway font could be used for our trailer as each letter has its own shape from think to a shin shape signifies controversial issues that is hard to handle. It also shows loss of innocence due to the child abuse as each letter at end becomes thinner, at the same time it shows loss of confidence as each letter becomes thinner because it means the protagonists looses its confidence due to this issue.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Ideas for certain Scenes By Nida Shah

This scene can show us ideas on how to have some of the abuse scences. We can get some techniques of fighting from this scene as well.

Techniques and methods that potentially can be used for the scenes regarding abuse.

These two images are set for the scene when both mother and step father become alcoholics.

Character Profile By Nida

The Production Team :)
Part of the direction team and main user of the camera and equitment
  Lalit Kumar 
  • Lalit will be incharge of matching the music to the certain scenes and will also make joint decisions with jason upon how certain scenes will be shot and where they shot be shot.

Chris and Jason
Chris will play the " evil step father" in this trailer and Jason will be directing and in the production team giving suggestions and advice on how the acting must be done according to the scenes
  • Chris will be the evil step father in the part , he has a effectionate side towards the mother however will show his true colours when it comes to the part of abusing the daughter . He must be rough and threating within his role and also have an aggresive side within him.

Shna will be apart of the production team and helping on filiming the scnees with jason and lalit , also if the character of a mother can not be found , shna will take part of the mother character .
  • Her role of the character will have to be loving , caring , however she is diagonised with a horrible disease of liver failure due to drinking so will die in the trailer , she must be emotional and caring and also has to be in the relationship with the step father chris so will also have to be effectionate
  • Shna will look old as her part is old .. she will create this look by clothing and make up in order to make herself look adjustable for the role
Tiana will play the daugther at a young age when she is receving the jewellary box ,
Her character will consist of being innocent and unaware that her real father has just left her and will be naive and unaware .

 I will basically be playing the character of the grown up daugther who suffers the abuse when the mother dies.
  •  The role of my character has to be emotional , abused , vunreable , sad , upset  , angry, stressed.
  • Also i will eventually turn aggressive at the end of the agressive and sick of the abuse
  • I will be emotional due to the death of my mother and also have to feel isolated as i no longer have any blood related people alive.

Other Characters - Coming soon

There will be additional characters that will be added to this list

Photo Footage, Location Shots - Jason Saab

This is a picture of Nida. It shows her shown as normal and quite a happy character. Nida is playing the role of the main character in this movie trailer.

This is another shot of Nida. However, in this shot it shows Nida as feeling upset and self consious. You can tell from the photo that somethjhing has happened by her posture in the photo.

This is another shot of Nida. I think this shot is very effective because you can tell alot from this photo. Nida is looking down towards the ground as if she is trying to hhide from everyone around her. She is grabbing her hair as if she is scared or worried about something, or as if she is in danger.

This is a photo shot of My bedroom mirrors. The reason i have taken this shot is because throughout the trailer, Nida is going to feel frustrated and is going to be looking in these mirrors quite often.

This is a shot of my bed. Throughout this movie trailer, most of the filiming is going to be done in my house. So my room is going to be Nidas room in this movie trailer.

This is a shot of my window in my bredroom. Its a strange photo but the reason i have taken a picture of this is because, there might be a few shots with Nida looking out her window as if she is trying to get attention for help or because she feels issolated in her room.

This is a photo of my main living room. I have taken this shot because, there is going to be a few scenes with all the family in this trailer together acting as if they are "one happy family".

This is a photo of my bar. I have taken this photo because there is going to be a few shots of the step-dad drinking alcohol as a sign of depression.

This a photo shot of a few bottles of alcohol. This is effective as it shows that the step-dad is over drinking and is not setting the correct example for his step-daughter.

This is a shot of the dining table. I have taken a picture of this because all the eating is going to be on this table, even some of the alcohol drinking is going to be shot on this table.

This is a picture of the rest of the kitchen. I have taken this shot becayse some of the violence/action is going to be shot in this kitchen.